Τμήμα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών, Απασχόλησης, Σταδιοδρομίας και Διασύνδεσης

Προκήρυξη θέσεων ερευνητών στη Βαρκελώνη

Η εταιρία Iquadrat προκηρύσσει έξι θέσεις ερευνητών (fully funded Doctoral Candidates) στα πλαίσια 2 Ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων Marie-Curie. Λεπτομέρειες της οποίας παρατίθενται στο τέλος του μηνύματος. Η καταληκτική ημερομηνία για τις αιτήσεις είναι 31 Μαρτίου 2024.

EMPOWER-6G, a newly launched Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Doctoral Network (DN) proposes a break-through converged optical-wireless architecture that makes reality an efficient 6G Cell-Free (CF)-based access network for enabling the requested 1 Tb/s peak data rate and deployments with over 107 devices/km2 and for supporting new advanced user-services.  

The EMPOWER-6G innovations expands from the radio-edge domain by considering CF networking, to the regional-edge that is based on a converged optical-wireless approach, while also at the network management domain, by proposing novel solutions for intelligent network resource allocation approaches. 
More information on the project can be found here: https://www.empower6g.eu/ 

EXACT-6G, is another newly launched Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative DN that focuses on the development of smart societies leading to quality of life improvements, providing truly immersive AR/MR/VR experiences, and will help in the deployment of connected robots and autonomous systems, haptic communication and smart healthcare. EXACT-6G proposes new concepts, such as Pervasive Orchestration, and designs new Explainable AI models for scalable, autonomous control of the infrastructure, and allows micro-services to “follow” users, being tracked by Joint Communication
and Sensing mechanisms.
More information on the project can be found here: https://www.exact6g.eu/ 

Iquadrat Informatica is searching for six (6) interested candidates in fully funded Doctoral Candidates positions by the European Commission DN programs EMPOWER-6G and EXCAT-6G, under the supervision.

These prestigious European Grants for PhD studies are designed to train highly skilled doctoral candidates, stimulate their creativity, enhance their innovation capacities and boost their employability in the long-term. The program offers very competitive salaries, making it an excellent opportunity for those looking to advance their careers.

Open positions 
1.    ML techniques for O-RAN compatible CF networks
The objective of this position is to optimize the operation of Distribution Unit (DU) and Near-Real-Time-RAN Intelligent Controller (Near-RT RIC) through Machine-Learning-driven resource scheduling, as well as to develop CF-enabled Central Unit (CU) and the DU components in the form of RAN Virtual Network Functions, with the integration of CF high-PHY function, targeting to achieve optimal operation of the DUs and Near-RT RIC and to maximize SE and user data rate.
2.    Coordination of closed-loop ML control mechanisms at all network tiers 
The objective of this position is to optimally deploy Software-Defined Transport Network Controllers at the fixed segment of the EMPOWER-6G architecture, as well as to improve the operations of the controllers; to control the coordination of the control mechanisms at all tiers and technology domains, targeting to achieve optimal operation of the fixed controllers though the application of predictors with fast control loops.
3.    Intelligent traffic engineering methodologies for converged optical-wireless networks with CF support
The objective of this position is to develop traffic management and load balancing algorithms supporting both fixed and wireless users, and to investigate traffic re-routing procedures, targeting to minimize power consumption and maximize resource utilization and significant reduction of CAPEX due to statistical multiplexing from fixed-mobile convergence.
1.    Intra-DIMO CEC resource discovery, prediction and composition 
The objective of this position is to overcome challenges related to the dynamicity of computing resource pool, to design an abstraction layer to simplify intra- Distributed and Intelligent Management / Orchestration plane (DIMO) resource management, as well as to create resource pool profile prediction using AI/ML.
2.    Inter-DIMO Cloud Edge Continuum (CEC) resource discovery, prediction and composition 
The objective of this position is to overcome the challenges of inter DIMO service deployment - CEC resource discovery, prediction and composition, through the development of inter-DIMO CEC resource discovery algorithms, and  distributed service composition algorithms for inter-DIMO deployment.
3.    Pervasive orchestration algorithms for self-synthesized continuum infrastructures
The objective of this position is to offer a reliable orchestration solution over an infrastructure with capacity constrained, dynamic and intermittent nodes with a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning scheme that addresses stability and convergence problems, as well as to integrate and test this solution with the Explainable DIMO and PaaS frameworks in an end-to-end Metaverse scenario at the IQU 5G/6G testbed.

We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic junior scientists, with an MSc in electrical engineering or related fields, aiming at significantly improving their career perspectives in both public and private sectors. Excellent research skills and analytical abilities are required, fluency in English (spoken and written), proactive communication skills and problem solving as part of a team, solid programming skills, strong record keeping, great work ethic and initiatives are essential characteristics. Previous experience in fields related to the specific positions is a plus.
Candidates of any nationality are welcome, but should not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 1 year in the past 3 years. The recruited ESRs will be highly encouraged to enroll in the Ph.D. program of the Open University of Catalonia  (https://www.uoc.edu/)

Apply here:
For the EXACT-6G:

For the EMPOWER-6G

For more information please contact: Melani Gurdiel, pm@iquadrat.com 

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