Τμήμα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών, Απασχόλησης, Σταδιοδρομίας και Διασύνδεσης

αναλυτής δεδομένων/αναλύτρια δεδομένων

Οι αναλυτές δεδομένων εισάγουν, επιθεωρούν, καθαρίζουν, μετατρέπουν, επικυρώνουν, προσομοιώνουν ή ερμηνεύουν σύνολα δεδομένων σε σχέση με τους επιχειρηματικούς στόχους της εταιρείας. Διασφαλίζουν ότι οι πηγές και τα αποθετήρια δεδομένων παρέχουν συνεπή και αξιόπιστα δεδομένα. Οι αναλυτές δεδομένων χρησιμοποιούν διαφορετικούς αλγορίθμους και εργαλεία ΤΠ, ανάλογα με την περίπτωση και τα τρέχοντα δεδομένα. Μπορούν να εκπονούν εκθέσεις με τη μορφή απεικονίσεων, όπως γραφήματα, διαγράμματα και πίνακες.

Engineer – Management of Weight Data in Vehicle Development

NIKI is looking for Electrical/Mechanical Engineers, Physicists, and Mathematicians holding a Ph.D., M.Sc, or similar disciplines to manage weight data in modern vehicles.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies or doctorate and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Working Student - Data Science

NIKI is looking for senior undergraduates of Technical University Departments / Schools of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science & Engineering, or similar disciplines to gain exciting insights into the industry alongside their studies and apply their theoretical knowledge directly in practice.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you are currently a student or have completed your studies and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Working student - Artificial Intelligence on Driving Experience of the Future

NIKI is looking for graduates of Technical University Departments / Schools of Sciences/ Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science & Engineering, or similar disciplines to gain exciting insights into the industry alongside their studies and apply their theoretical knowledge directly in practice.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you are currently a student or have completed your studies and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Data Science and Analytics

NIKI is looking for graduates of Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering Science (e.g., Computational, Electrical, Mechanical, Aerospace) or similar disciplines for Big Data analysis and management in the cloud for the automotive industry.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies or doctorate and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams and projects, send us your resume.

Working Student - Software Development

NIKI is looking for Electrical/Mechanical Engineers, Physicists, and Mathematicians holding a Ph.D., M.Sc, or similar disciplines to manage weight data in modern vehicles.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies or doctorate and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Working Student - Software Development

NIKI is looking for graduates of Technical University Departments/Schools of Sciences/ Computer Science, Software Engineering, or similar disciplines to gain exciting insights into the industry alongside their studies and apply their theoretical knowledge directly in practice.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you are currently a student or have completed your studies and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Software Engineer - 3D/VR/AR Developer Autonomous Driving

NIKI is looking for graduates of Technical University Departments / Schools of Sciences/ Computer Science, Mathematics, and Software Engineering or similar discipline to design and develop software solutions for the automotive industry.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies or doctorate and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Engineer - Simulation Modelling of E-E Systems in Virtual Vehicle Development

NIKI is looking for Electrical/Mechanical Engineers, Physicists, and Mathematicians holding a Ph.D., M.Sc, or similar disciplines to model and simulate modern vehicles onboard electrical systems.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies or doctorate and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

System Administrators/IT Helpdesk

NIKI is looking for graduates of Technical University Departments / Schools of Sciences / Software, Computer, Electrical Engineering, or similar disciplines to gain extensive insights into all ongoing processes in system integration, IT administration, and further development of the IT infrastructure.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.

Integrated Automotive and Computational Sciences Engineer

NIKI is looking for graduates of Technical University Departments / Schools of Sciences / Software, Computer, Electrical Engineering, or similar disciplines to gain extensive insights into all ongoing processes in system integration, IT administration, and further development of the IT infrastructure.

Become a member of NIKI Digital Engineering!

If you have completed your studies and are looking for new challenges, interdisciplinary and diverse teams, and projects, send us your resume.