Τμήμα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών, Απασχόλησης, Σταδιοδρομίας και Διασύνδεσης

2024 Summer Schools: Economics and Business + Tourism

The application period is now open for the 8th ed. of our Summer School of Economics and Business (SSEB) and the 1st ed. of our new Tourism Summer School. 

Detailed information can be found on our website and in the enclosed brochures:


Summer School of Economics and Business (July 1-26, 2024): https://uamsseb.education


Four of our regular courses of 6 ECTS credits, taught in English, in a 4-week intensive format (choose 1 or 2):

•   Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis

•   International Finance

•   Global Marketing

•   Doing Business in Spain


Summer School “Selected Topics in Tourism, International Hospitality and Attractions Management” (July 15-26, 2024): https://uamsseb.education/tourism


This is a 2-week intensive course of 6 ECTS credits, taught in English, covering the following topics: sustainable tourism, crypto-economics and metaverse applied to tourism, human resources management, hotel finance, customer experience management, and attractions management in Madrid.


There is also a new option to enroll only in the first two weeks of the SSEB (July 1-12, 2024) for students in our Tourism Summer School and in the Climate Change Summer School.


Please note that tuition fees are subject to discounts for students from any university that promotes our programs to their students, even if it has not signed an agreement with UAM, and for early-bird applications. And we will be happy to reciprocally advertise your summer programs on our website.


Our programs expose our students to a truly international environment; so far, we have had 244 students from 53 countries. The academic excellence of our summer courses is complemented by social and cultural events, as well as field trips, which are not offered during the regular fall and spring semesters.

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