Τμήμα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών, Απασχόλησης, Σταδιοδρομίας και Διασύνδεσης

Call-for-Papers August 2023, Bulgaria

Conferences, part of International Scientific Events 2023, to be held in Burgas, Bulgaria on the Black Sea Coast. The events will be held with both live and online sessions, while observing all applicable safety measures.

Agriculture and Food, 11th International Conference (14-17 August) Read more

Ecology and Safety, 32nd International Conference (14-17 August) Read more

Materials, Methods and Technologies, 25th International Conference (17-20 August) Read more

Economy and Business, 22nd International Conference (20-23 August) Read more

Education, Research and Development, 14th International Conference (23-26 August) Read more

Language, Individual and Society, 17th International Conference (23-26 August) Read more

The papers presented will be published in open-access journals, part of International Scientific Publications.

Organized in collaboration with Science & Education Foundation and partners.

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